Jeanette, Clairvoyant in Brisbane.

Those in Brisbane and surrounds who would like personally tailored advice, please  contact  me, Jeanette, to arrange a meeting to talk over your relationship needs.

Phone 0412717131



On this website, you can learn how to form, reform, and re-vitalise your loving relationships.
Of course, loving relationships include more than your sexual partnerships, and these relationships are just as important to your spiritual wellbeing.
Lets face it... We all need to chat with someone about our personal lives at some time. Benefit from the real-life experience of a caring woman who has lived through many of the relationship issues you are now experiencing, and has come out the other side with a wealth of knowledge to share with you. This is not for one moment meant to imply that you may not need professional counselling, just that it cannot replace that real-life face-to-face chat about your love-life and other personal relationships.

Because my professional practice brings me the problems of literally hundreds of people, who mostly have some kind of trouble in close relationships; I have a wealth of case-history knowledge to add to that which I have gained by living. My counselling training has added tools to my natural desire to help people find happiness through success in sharing their lives.